A. Sivanandan on the political economy of post-WW2 immigration and state control in Britain. Author Ambalavaner Sivanandan Copied to clipboard Race and Class journal, 1976. Attachments sivanandan1976.pdf (1.17 MB) 1960s 1970s 1950s United Kingdom migration Ambalavaner Sivanandan racism PDF Comments
SPGB Conference and delegate meeting reports The Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB) conference and Autumn delegate meeting (ADM) reports archive.
The struggle of Asian workers in Britain - Race Today Pamphlet published in 1983 by the Race Today Collective containing three articles and sets of…
To Sir, With Love - E. R. Braithwaite (1959) An excerpt from Guyanese-born novelist E. R. Braithwaite's 'To Sir, With Love' describing his disillusionment in the mother country.
Deadly silence: black deaths in custody A detailed study of deaths of people of colour in custody in the UK, published in 1991.
Snitches, stings, and leaks: how “Immigration Enforcement” works - Corporate Watch A detailed report into the functioning of the immigration enforcement system in the UK, following…
A disgrace before God: Striking black sanitation workers vs. black officialdom in 1977 Atlanta – Jason Schultz This article is a case study of the betrayal of the African American working class…