Redwing Workers Organization replies to Sam Dolgoff

A reply from members of the Redwing Workers Organization and Jeff Stein to Sam Dolgoff's 'Notes for a discussion on the regeneration of the American labor movement'.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 17, 2015


-Letter from Gary Larson and Mary Svien
-Redwing Workers Organization leaflet
-Letter from Jeff Stein

Originally appeared in Self-Management Newsletter #1 (1976) and #2 (1977)
Provided courtesy of the Workers Solidarity Alliance NY Archives




9 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on May 17, 2015

I'll try and do a short blurb on the "Self-Management Newsletter". Basically formed after the SRAF Wildcat Mountain conference (July 29-31(1977) *

"Solidarity Collective" was a "collective" that I helped to form and maintain in Rhode Island from 1973-77). The "collective" was really two of us (Brad E. and I) for the most part. Though there were others over the years. FWIW, I basically did the first issue on my own. The printing was donated by a comrade from New Haven (Nhat Hong). I remember hitching down from RI to CT to get the final printed newsletters.

* Scroll down to comments:

klas batalo

8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on July 28, 2016

maybe we should revive the solidarity collective


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on July 28, 2016

klas batalo

maybe we should revive the solidarity collective

As my mentor (my late father) said often: "if I knew in my teens what I know know, I'd have the world by its balls". Some of the most informative times of my life, leading to an immediate period of real immersion and development.

We tried and that's all you can do (and learn from what you do).