The last public execution in France 1939 An essay written in 1957 arguing for the abolition of capital punishment. Copied to clipboard Attachments Reflections on the Guillotine.pdf (2.54 MB) France prisons philosophy Albert Camus PDF Comments
Panopticism - Michel Foucault “Is it surprising that prisons resemble factories, schools, barracks, hospitals, which all resemble prisons?” This is chapter 3 of Foucault’s…
Camus, Albert and the anarchists Organise! magazine looks at the life and work of the great thinker and writer, Albert Camus, and his close relationship with the French and…
The letters of Os Cangaceiros in relation to "13,000 Escapes" English translations of the group's letters to individuals and organisations associated with the…
Overcoming racism: the Lucasville rebellion - Staughton Lynd Interesting article looking at how black and white prisoners overcame racism through common struggle…
August 12, 1937: Killing day at Tobolsk A short account of the state murder of Russian anarchists in 1937.
1995: Full Sutton Prisoners Strike History of a strike at Full Sutton prison that was broken up by the riot squad