Regulations for the Red Army Units West and East, April 1 [?], 1920

Document by the Ruhr Red Army that lays out the principles that it's soldiers must adhere to in course of the fight against the Reichswehr. The full name of individual commanders are Karl Wohlgemuth, Felix Gräf and Gottfried Karusseit.

Submitted by Indo on March 2, 2025

For the High Command East and West: Gräf, Karusseit
For the Central Command: Wohlgemuth

To fight the regular troops, we need strict discipline and manly order. Tough battles still lie ahead of us and experience has taught us that we can only succeed if our units are clearly structured. That's why they need to unite under the following principles:

Everyone joining the Red Army joins the revolutionary proletariat. If it is proven that someone has joined with dishonest intentions that can jeopardize our holy cause, he will receive the hardest punishment. (Death penalty.)

The troops must strictly follow the orders of their leaders. Those who do not follow the orders of their leaders will be disarmed and severely punished.

Cowardice before the enemy will be punished by death. The same is true for soldiers caught robbing, stealing, looting, or keeping expropriated possessions for them-selves. All expropriated possessions are to be delivered to the Central Command. The soldiers will be paid and the goods will be distributed equally and fairly. We warn you again: do obey these principles and spare yourself punitive measures!

Supplies are provided by the central command. Those who lose their troops have to make their way to Marl immediately. Groups of roaming soldiers will be disarmed by security patrols and sent to the Central Command. If punishable actions can be proven, these men will be sent to the relevant authorities.

Oath: I pledge on the program of the revolutionary proletariat that I will fight and risk my blood for the high and holy ideals of freedom, equality, and fraternity. The above articles shall always form the guidelines of my actions.

Long live socialism! Human rights for those who defend human rights!


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