Probably the final Solidarity magazine. Including: Peter Marshall on Thomas Paine, Liz Willis on Mary Wollstonecraft, Colin Ward on William Godwin and review of William Blake books. Author Solidarity Copied to clipboard PDF courtesy of Splits and Fusions archive. Attachments Solidarity-Journal-of-Libertarian-Socialism-30-31-Spring-1992.pdf (5.59 MB) Mary Wollstonecraft: Two sexes, yet one truth - Liz Willis Book traversal links for Solidarity Journal #30/31 Spring 1992 Blake Escape: book reviews Up Mary Wollstonecraft: Two sexes, yet one truth - Liz Willis Printer-friendly version William Blake William Godwin Thomas Paine Mary Wollstonecraft PDF Comments
Solidarity spoof exam paper, 1972 A satirical take on the examination and wider education process by the Solidarity Group.
Letter to Solidarity on Fisher-Bendix - Big Flame Critical letter from Big Flame to Solidarity in response to their pamphlet Under new management? The Fisher-Bendix occupation.
Solidarity motor bulletin #04: Wildcat Dodge truck June 1974 PDF scan of a Solidarity car industry bulletin reproducing an excellent pamphlet from the US about a…
Solidarity for workers' full control #04 Issue of Solidarity published by Solidarity (South London) on 4 July 1969 with articles about Kingsnorth, keystone cops, Fiat workers and the…
G.M.W.U.: scab union - Mark Fore A close look at the General and Municipal Workers Union by "Mark Fore": a pseudonym of Ken Weller. It was published by Solidarity (London) in…