Revolutionary militia women in Spain Scanned PDF of a photo book of the Spanish civil war and revolution in English, French, Italian and Esperanto and Spanish. Copied to clipboard Attachments espagne-1936.pdf (12.52 MB) Spain Spanish civil war Federation Anarchiste PDF Comments
Balius Mir, Jaime, 1904-1980 A short biography of Spanish anarchist, civil war fighter and editor of the Friends of Durruti paper, Jaime Balius.
A soldier returns - letter from an American fighter in the Durruti Column A letter from an American trade unionist and member of the revolutionary union the Industrial…
Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell George Orwell's famous 1938 account of the Spanish Revolution and Civil War, from his point of view as a volunteer in the POUM militia.
“Revolutionary syndicalism serves the proletariat, whereas anarchism is one brand of humanism” - interview with Juan Garcia Oliver Excerpt from the pamphlet “My Revolutionary Life: Juan García Oliver interviewed by…
The Spanish civil war in pictures Magazine format pamphlet telling the story of the Spanish Civil War through an Art Deco style photo collage with commentary
Vision on fire: Emma Goldman on the Spanish revolution This expertly chosen collection features the most important writings from the turbulent last four…