Seventh Issue of Larry Law's Pocket Books dealing with Women and the Spectacle. Issues five and six are missing. Copied to clipboard Attachments Spectacular Times Women and the Spectacle.pdf (2.19 MB) Book traversal links for Spectacular Times 07: Women and the Spectacle Spectacular Times 06: Food Up Spectacular Times 08: The Skeleton Key Printer-friendly version Larry Law Comments
Spectacular Times 14: Bigger Cages and Longer Chains Issue Fourteen of Larry Law's Spectacular Times a Situationist pocket book series.
Revolutionary self-theory: A beginners' manual - Larry Law PDF of a Situationist pocketbook by Larry Law on revolutionary self-theory.
Spectacular Times 08: The Skeleton Key Eighth Issue of Larry Law's Pocket book series Spectacular Times, Skeleton Key.
Pyrate Captain Mission - Larry Law A short fictional pocketbook about the pirate Captain Mission, by Situationist Larry Law.
Spectacular Times 08-09: skeleton Keys (Double Issue reprint) A reprint of the eighth issue coupled with the ninth issue collective called Skeleton Keys.