Statutes for the Combat Organizations (KO) of the KAPD

German Revolution

Presented at the founding congress of the KAPD, this document talks about codes that the less-known Combat Organizations or KOs must enact. These KOs were organized by the KAPD at its peak to work towards the revolution while attacking Social Democratic establishments and Far-right elements.

Submitted by Indo_Ansh on October 11, 2024

1. Analogous to the clear realization that only the armed uprising can free the proletariat from bondage, and that on the other hand reaction will also force the proletariat to fight, the revolutionary proletariat sees itself compelled to create an organization with the help of which it is able to take up the fight as a fully-fledged fighting force at the given hour. For this purpose, the individual districts form so-called departments of the KO, in which all comrades capable of taking up arms are to be included if possible.

2. These departments are divided into companies, platoons, groups, etc., depending on the number of members. The organizational management of the above-mentioned departments is in the hands of a chairman elected from among the comrades.

3. The main focus must be on the discipline of the comrades; on the other hand, confidentiality is an absolute requirement in the case of illegal work, as the existence or non-existence of the entire organization depends on it. The following paragraphs have been issued for this purpose, which are to be presented to the individual members, precisely detailed and to which they are to be committed. The execution of illegal work (procurement of weapons) is subject to the following provisions: It is prohibited:

1. Any unnecessary talk about actions and incidents within the organization.

2. Talking about illegal work outside the meetings, among oneself or to others.

3. Violations of the above two points will result in ruthless punishment.

4. All orders and instructions issued by the management must be strictly enforced.

5. Each department shall form a departmental court consisting of 3 comrades as judges and one comrade as defense counsel.

6. All offenses of a minor nature shall be tried before this departmental court.

7. More serious offenses such as treason and the like shall be tried by the tribunal of the district concerned.

8. Resignation from the department is only possible under special circumstances (illness, misfortune, etc.), but these resignations are subject to special examination by the management. Leave of absence may be granted, but only under special circumstances.
