A quick guide to union ballots for strike action on November 30th so far...

Around 3 million workers are estimated to be on strike on 30th November, with more ballot results being announced this week. A quick list so far, updated from info gathered by the Society of Radiographers...
Ballot results so far
- National Association of Probation Officers (NAPO): 83% in favour of strike on 45% turnout
- Unison: 78% voted for strikes on a 29% turnout
- Unite: 75% in favour of strike action on a 31% turnout, a breakdown of the votes sector by sector can be found here
- GMB: 80% in favour of a strike, on a 33% turnout
- NASUWT: 82% in favour of strike action, 91% in favour of action short of a strike; 40% turnout
- UCATT Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians: 83% majority in favour of strike action on a 27% turnout
- EIS Scottish teachers’ union: voted by 82.2% for action with a turnout of 54.2%
- Scottish Secondary Teachers Association voted in 79.19% in favour on a 66.3% turnout
- Nipsa (Northern Ireland): balloted for strikes over pensions, pay and jobs and voted by 67% for strikes on a 43% turnout
- The Association of Headteachers and Deputes in Scotland (AHDS): voted by just under 60% for strikes on a 38% turnout
- NAHT headteachers’ union: 75.8% voted for strikes on a 53.6% turnout
- Society of Radiographers: 81.2% voted for strikes on a 58.2% turnout
- Association of Educational Psychologists (AEP): 64% voted for strikes on an unknown turnout
- Aspect: 75.1% in favour of industrial action, turnout unknown
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP): England and Wales, 86% voted for strikes and Scotland, 89.1% voted for strikes on a combined turnout of 66%
- Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (SCP): voted by 85% for strikes on a 52% turnout
- FDA: backed strikes by 81% on a 54% turnout
- SIPTU - Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union – Irish general union with members in public services in Northern Ireland. Members voted 81% for strike action on a turnout of 39%.
- Prospect: 75% voted for strikes on a 52% turnout
- Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) in Northern Ireland : 77% vote for strikes
- RMT local branch members employed by DB Regio and Nexus who run Tyne and Wear Metro, as well as staff at Orkney Ferries and Royal Fleet Auxilliary voted 80% in favour of strike action, turnout unknown
Ballot results due:
- POA: prison workers are banned from striking, but general secretary Steve Gillan told the Trades Union Congress they would take unofficial action. In a consultative ballot members voted 97% to oppose the pension changes. POA members in secure hospitals are voting on whether to join the dispute. The ballot closes on 23 November.
Unions which previously balloted their members and will be participating in action on 30 November are:
- PCS: live ballot over pensions, pay and cuts. Committed to November strike
- UCU: members in Teachers’ Pension Scheme will strike again in autumn. Also won ballot last week for lecturers in older universities in USS pension scheme
- NUT: committed to further coordinated strikes to defend pensions
- ATL: committed to further coordinated strikes to defend pensions
- UCAC Welsh teachers’ union: struck on 5 October and will also join 30 November
- Unison Northern Ireland: struck on 5 October and will also join 30 November
Scab union who vow never to go on strike, but whose class-traitor members will enjoy any gains won by those going on strike, standing in the cold on picket lines, losing their pay, campaigning tirelessly to ensure Nov 30th is a success:
Scab union who didn't trust their members enough to ballot them for N30, whose members are leaving in droves, and those who stay will enjoy any gains won by those going on strike, standing in the cold on picket lines, losing their pay, campaigning tirelessly to ensure Nov 30th is a success:
The Scottish Secondary
The Scottish Secondary Teachers Association are also balloting, due on the 21st. http://www.ssta.org.uk/news.php?extend.268
And, to be fair to the RCN, they are saying they'll ballot in January if there's no breakthrough: http://www.rcn.org.uk/newsevents/news/article/uk/rcn_prepares_moves_for_pensions_ballot
That's clearly a bit pathetic, but given they normally don't strike (have they ever?), its at least an improvement. And not nearly as bad as Voice.
Yeah it's still shit. Like,
Yeah it's still shit. Like, if there's no breakthrough, presumably won by strike action other people are taking?
Ramona, I knicked your
Ramona, I knicked your article and put it on the Leicester AF website with link to here.
Awesome, go for it! Spread
Awesome, go for it! Spread the word!
Handy list Ramona!
Handy list Ramona!
NASUWT ballot: 82% in favour
NASUWT ballot: 82% in favour of strike action, 91% in favour of action short of a strike; 40% turnout..
Though the union leader said it was "not inevitable" that its members would strike on November 30th. I imagine they will though, as probably it's members who voted for strike action did it on the assumption it'd be on the same day as everyone else.. There'd be massive defection if the union called them out on their own when everyone else was striking together..
NASUWT ballot results:
NASUWT ballot results: Turnout of about 40%. 82% voted for a strike. 91% backed action short of a strike.
EDIT: Beaten to it ;)
Cool I've added that in,
Cool I've added that in, thanks!
ASCL (Assoc. of School &
ASCL (Assoc. of School & College Leaders) didn't ballot and won't be striking as they 'would not have time' for Nov30 but may in future if negotiations fail.
Apparently a survey of their members revealed 76% of respondents didn't want to ballot for Nov30.
Scottish Secondary Teachers
Scottish Secondary Teachers Association voted in 79.19% in favour on a 66.3% turnout (which is actually a majority of all members even including those that didn't vote!)
Ooh nice. Will edit that in
Ooh nice. Will edit that in to main article...
Updated with localised RMT
Updated with localised RMT actions.
"Scab union who didn't trust
"Scab union who didn't trust their members enough to ballot them for N30, whose members are leaving in droves, and those who stay will enjoy any gains won by those going on strike, standing in the cold on picket lines, losing their pay, campaigning tirelessly to ensure Nov 30th is a success: RCN"
Quote: POA: prison workers
apparently this was changed in 2004, but they might be re-banned since they struck in 2007.