After the meeting(s)

Submitted by the button on July 27, 2006

Bit of a poor turn-out for the all-members' meeting this lunchtime -- 11. We've been getting 15-20 in previous months (about half the membership), but I suppose it's annual leave time, and it's also fucking hot.

One of the reps is leaving to join the Met :shock:, but luckily someone other than me has expressed an interest. Plus she's articulate & stroppy, which is always good.

Looks like the remaining rep is being attacked on two fronts by the management at the moment -- on the one hand a spurious disciplinary, on the other, an attempt to undermine her as a union rep. The second one of these from a senior manager who's also in the union. Managers first, trade unionists second -- that's always been my experience, anyway.

I get the feeling this manager is shitting it because they've been caught spying on workers here. And also attempting to use personal e-mail correspondence between workers as grounds for disciplinaries. Of course, this isn't illegal, but it's not like these were dodgy e-mails -- just people discussing their jobs.

We've only had a union here for a few months, although a few of us have been doing stuff for longer than that, and I think it's come as a shock to the management that they can't do quite what the fuck they want anymore.

I've also been to a SolFed meeting (on Tuesday), but I suppose I really should type up the minutes before I post any more shite on here. :wink:



18 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 28, 2006

I think these blogs are definitely a good idea. keep it up button 8)