3 Arrests at Lyon university

Submitted by jef costello on March 1, 2007

During the three-day Grille la Fac (barred Uni) festival there were three arrests. These arrests have been seen as a disciplinary measure designed to intimidate students after a festival designed to highlight students rights in relation to the varuious security systems that they face.

The festival was composed of a series of film screenings, meals, a variety of discussions, practical workshops and a punk concert. It was after the punk concert on Tuesday 5th that the arrests were made. Mirroring the tactics used against anti-CPE protesters the police waited until the end of the evening when most people had left before making arrests. There had been no violence and it is clear that these arrests for criminal damage (linked to some graffiti) are aimed at preventing the kind of resistance that the festival was designed to inspire.

A march was called to protest outside the court.



16 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by maryadavis on April 14, 2008

Are you surprised? I haven't seen a student manifestation without the police meddling to stop it. If the students try to get a permit from the town hall they will get rejected. Why are we oppressed in such a way? Why do they fear us?
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