New site feature: edit tab for all users

Submitted by libcom on February 5, 2008

Logged in users will notice a new edit tab on library, history and news articles - this allows wikipedia-style user edits to any article. To prevent abuse, edited articles go into a moderation queue to be approved. Anyone blatantly vandalising articles will be banned. Also, please be aware that we may not accept all edits, in the same way that we don't accept all article submissions.

A bonus of this new feature is that it's now also possible for users to edit their own forum OPs (original posts) - previously we couldn't let you do this without also letting you delete whole threads.

You may not see an edit tab on every single article - some it's not set up for yet, some have custom input formats which aren't available to everyone - if you want to edit a page but can't see the tab, or have any more comments/issues, post in feedback. Enjoy!


jef costello

16 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on February 5, 2008

If you do edit an article it might be an idea to pm an admin so they can approve the edit more easily.

Mike Harman

16 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Mike Harman on February 5, 2008

We have a list of recent edits, so no need to pm. Although if something seems to be held up, post in feedback.

What would help is people fill in the log message when they edit long stuff, or anything really. There should be a little box there but I haven't really tested it.