Submitted by Steven. on January 18, 2007

I was passing through Stratford one day on my bike when I spotted a man, about 50 years old, putting stickers up on lamp-posts. I went to check them out and discovered they were National Front stickers. In the meantime the man had gone into a little Italian café across the road. I went in too. He was at the counter getting his order. I went up close and saw the badge on his lapel which said ‘England for the English’. I grabbed the badge and his lapel and started ranting and raving “You fucking fascist” etc. etc. The man completely went to pieces. His tea and apple pie went all over the floor and he just cowered down like a frightened dog. The Italian owner of the café must be well aware of the term fascist, but didn’t want any trouble in his café so I left soon afterwards.
