Submitted by Steven. on January 24, 2010

Here is a list of the call centres that get mentioned a few times in the text:

Adm/Berlin: Five hundred people work in this call centre in Berlin-Wedding, many part time. Adm supplies call centre-services, and does calls for instance for Gasag. There is another Adm-call centre in Mannheim.

Atesia/Roma: Subsidiary of Telecom Italia with five thousand telephone workers and call centres in several Italian cities. The biggest one is in Roma. Most workers have freelance contracts and 'rent' their work-places. They give information out on Telecom-products, do technical support...

Audioservice/Berlin: Call centre in Berlin that is connected to the advertisement paper Zweite Hand. About seventy workers, many of them students, sell tickets, videos, CDs...

Blu/Firenze: Until the beginning of 2002 there were four hundred people working here, giving out information and doing technical support for the provider of mobile phone lines. Now there are less than two hundred because Blu is supposed to be sold and most calls get already re-routed to the second Blu call centre in Palermo.

British Telecom: At present there are more than one hundred British Telecom call centres, which employ many part time and temp agency workers. They give out information, do technical support...

Citibank/Duisburg: Three years after most other Citibank call centres were closed, more than one thousand people are working here, most of them on the telephones. They do bank transfers, give information on account balances, handle the internal calls from Citibank branches, sell loans... and call up overdue debtors to make them pay their interests.

Client Logic/Duisburg: Former Dts. About five hundred people are working there, mostly in ordering services (for Neckermann, Weltbild, Conrad...) and in technical support (for Premiere, Tele2...).

Deutsche Bank 24/Duisburg: Opened just three years ago most of the three hundred plus workers will soon be made redundant. After that the calls will be re-routed to the two other Deutsche Bank 24-call centres in Bonn and Berlin-Tempelhof. The workers in Duisburg do bank transfers, give out information on balances, handle stock-exchange-orders, sell credits...

Emnid/Berlin: Workers here, many students working part time, do telephone-research for several customers. Emnid has more call centres, for instance in Bielefeld and Koeln.

Fiat/Milano: About seven hundred people are working here, some in administration, most on the telephones. Several hundred are from other countries (England, France, Poland, Germany, Spain, Brazil...). At beginning of 2002 the call centre was outsourced and is run by Europ Assistance. The workers run an ordering service for spare parts, cancellations, answer questions on deliveries and guarantees, sell insurances and 'serve' customers who have a navigation-system in their car and call for information on the weather or traffic jams.

Frontline/Hannover: Frontline is trader (and ordering-service) for skater stuff. In the call centre in Hannover the workers, mostly students on part time, handle orders, call up dealers...

Hewlett Packard/Amsterdam: Some hundred people work in this European 'head quarter' of Hp. Those on the phones are divided in first and second level. The first level qualifies the calls and passes them on. The second level is organised in product teams (scanners, printers...) and those again in language teams (French, Spanish, English, German...). The workers do technical support, info-line... Most calls come in from corporate customers. The private calls for Hp are handled by external call centres (for instance Sykes, Sitel, Medion...).

Hotline GmbH/Berlin: The Hotline GmbH is a call centre-service provider with about 150 workers, most of them students on part time, who handle calls for external customers (like Berlikomm and Ares-Strom).

Ifb/Toulouse: Workers of Ifb try to persuade people on the phone to agree to consultation meetings with investment consultants. They earn the minimum wage.

Isi/Bochum: Isi is a call centre service provider with more call centres in Essen, Duesseldorf... Among other things the workers try to talk people into taking subscriptions of the Burda-publishing house.

Medion/Muelheim: More than two hundred people do the customer service for computer products, household appliances and hifi equipment that Medion usually sells in Aldi-shops. The calls are taken in by the first level who do simple services (information, deliveries...), while the second level does the technical support.

Pacific Bell/San Francisco: Pacific Bell produces computers. The call centre supplies the technical support. The turnover here is very high, the working conditions lousy.

Quelle/Essen: Quelle is an ordering service. There are about three hundred people working in Essen, but the company has more call centres, for instance in Nuernberg, Magdeburg, Leipzig, Koeln. The workers take in orders, one after the other, all day long.

Telecom Italia/Firenze: The workers here are part of the virtual call centres of Telecom Italia, which employs more than 18.000 workers in back and front offices and has call centres in many Italian regions. The workers give out information, sell telecommunication services and supply technical support.

Tim/Bologna: In Bologna is one call centre of the mobile phone-subsidiary der Mobilfunktochter of Telecom Italia. Tim employs more than nine thousand workers, most of whom work on the phones, in customer service, technical support...

Verizon/USA: One of the biggest telecommunication companies in the US, mostly active in the eastern states, with nearly 250.000 workers, some tens of thousands in call centres: information, technical support, marketing/sales...
