Submitted by GrouchoMarxist on April 25, 2012

P.S. During the placement of the explosive mechanism in the Eurobank in Argiroupouli, “we met” a police jeep that was patrolling the area and in which were three cops. Coming out of the bank, the comrades who had undertaken the placement of the mechanism, saw the jeep parked with the lights turned off at a distance of about 30 metres away.

Absolutely calm and walking steadily without hurrying they head towards the motorcycles which were the escape vehicles. While the comrades had gotten on, one of the cops came out of the jeep and moved towards us shouting: “Police, don’t move”. Then one of the comrades pulled out his gun and aimed at him and he retreated immediately. This move was the wisest one, since it saved his life and his colleagues lives. In the case that he didn’t retreat immediately, they should be sure to know that they would have fallen down dead. We suggest therefore, if some cops have the misfortune to come face-to-face with armed fighters, they should do the same, since it is the only way to save themselves.

After this incident, some journalists unleashed a heavy criticism to the attitude of the specific cops, some asked bluntly for blood to be spilled and especially on the morning-time of a State channel declared that “they should have dropped them -the comrades of course- to the ground and they would have received the applaud of the people”. If some hyenas of journalism such as this one – who thinks that in this way he serves best his responsibilities as an ass kisser of the State – think that by publically incite cops to shoot and ask for the bloodshed of fighters, that they will harm us, or if they think that society is on the side of the cops, they are truly ridiculous. The only thing they accomplish with such declarations is to be self-stigmatized, and worsen their social position. [1] Nikolai Dmitriyevich Kondratiev (1892-1938). Russian economist who proposed a theory that Western capitalist economies have long term (50 to 60 years) cycles of boom followed by depression. These business cycles are now called “Kondratiev waves”.

[2] Paul Robin Krugman (1953-). American economist, professor of Economics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, Centenary Professor at the London School of Economics, and an op-ed columnist for The New York Times. In 2008, Krugman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to New Trade Theory and New Economic Geography. According to the Nobel Prize Committee, the prize was given for Krugman’s work explaining the patterns of international trade and the geographic concentration of wealth, by examining the impact of economies of scale and of consumer preferences for diverse goods and services. Krugman considers himself a liberal, calling one of his books and his New York Times blog “The Conscience of a Liberal”.
