Complete archive of a series of small 'pocketbooks' in the late 1970s/early 1980s entitled 'Spectacular Times' by Larry Law. They serve as a brief introduction to situationist ideas. Each consists of newspaper clippings, quotations, handwritten text by Law and illustrations, all compiled and arranged with great humour!

Please note that three additional pocketbooks, Revolutionary self-theory, Pyrate Captain Mission and Buffo! are also in the library but were not part of the Spectacular Times numbered series.
Partly from

The first two issues of Situationist pocketbook Spectacular Times.

Situationist pocketbook Spectacular Times issue number three on the media.

Issue four of Larry Law's pocket book series.

Number five in the Situationist pocketbook series by Larry Law.

Number 6 in the Situationist pocketbook series by Larry Law. This book focuses on food.

Seventh Issue of Larry Law's Pocket Books dealing with Women and the Spectacle. Issues five and six are missing.

Eighth Issue of Larry Law's Pocket book series Spectacular Times, Skeleton Key.

A reprint of the eighth issue coupled with the ninth issue collective called Skeleton Keys.

The Tenth Issue of Spectacular Times by Larry Law. This pocket book concerns treatment of animals and the activities of Animal Liberation groups.

Eleventh issue of Larry Law's Situationist pocket book series Spectacular Times.

Issue Twelve of Larry Law's Situationist pocket books Spectacular Times.

Issue thirteen of Larry Laws Situationist pocket book series Spectacular Times.

Issue Fourteen of Larry Law's Spectacular Times a Situationist pocket book series.
Mate, it is absolutely
Mate, it is absolutely brilliant that you're doing this!
However, would it be possible to do it in a slightly different format? I have added the first one in the way we would ideally like it. To do this, just click "add child page" on this page, then fill in the issue number and name of the issue in the title box, a picture on the front cover and attach the PDF to do each issue separately. Does that sound okay?
I have done the first one as an example. I will also increase your permissions so you can approve your own edits. To do this just click the revisions tab and revert to the revision you have made.
Thank you, I suppose it
Thank you, I suppose it shouldn't be a problem to change the format though someone else should edit the information to expand on the introduction since I literally had never heard of Larry Law until today and haven't been able to find much more other then apparently he's really popular.
Oh and thank you for increasing my permissions, I noticed the change when my profile gave me the option to ban myself which was interesting.
Cheers! Although just to
Cheers! Although just to clarify what I was asking was not to add the PDFs of the issues to this page but to add child pages to this page and attach the PDFs there. I will now do another one as an example
I was going to put these up
I was going to put these up so saved me a job. He did a 40 minute film called Are You in a Bad State that'd be worth a watch. The SPGB posted on here about a showing, maybe they still have it? Or you can buy it for a tenner. Are Captain Mission and Revolutionary Self Theory not issues 5 and 6?
That's interesting about
That's interesting about issues 5 and 6 - where did you hear that from? That other archive said they weren't part of the series…
I've not been able to find
I've not been able to find those two anywhere on the internet so I figured it made sense. Could be wrong though.
I've got pdfs of both I can
I've got pdfs of both I can send you.
Though actually I see now they're already on libcom:
General Strike wrote: I've
General Strike
right, so are numbers 5 and 6 definitely those other little pamphlets? And if so, which one was fifth and which was sixth?
The mystery is resolved! I
The mystery is resolved! I have located ultra-rare copies of ST #5 and #6. I shall post them on my blog soon (
[email protected]
[email protected]
excellent! Please let us know when you have posted them
Bump to say I've added the
Bump to say I've added the last two copies, this should hopefully make Spectacular Times complete.
Reddebrek wrote: Bump to say
mate, that's brilliant! Thanks!
Hi, I also have a Spectacular
Hi, I also have a Spectacular Times issue from 1984 called 'Buffo! 1+2 - Amazing Tales of Political Pranks and Anarchic Buffoonery' A new edition completely revised and updated.
It is excellent and has always been my favourite in the set.
abeizer wrote: Hi, I also
hey, that sounds really interesting. Any chance you could scan it/photograph it so that it could be hosted here for others?
Quote: - "...also have a
- "...also have a Spectacular Times issue from 1984 called 'Buffo! 1+2 - Amazing Tales of Political Pranks and Anarchic Buffoonery' A new edition completely revised and updated."
I think people would want to see that, if it can be added here at or someplace.
It's great to see The Bad Times Will End again !!
Libcom is excellent.