Solidarity cover

The eighth issue of Solidarity for workers' power with articles on the opposition to nuclear arms, reprinted advice from Sylvia Pankhurst and book reviews.

Submitted by wojtek on September 21, 2013


  • From Civil Disobedience to Social Revolution - with deadlock in the East and the West, the Committee of 100 is making progress promoting militant mass consciousness.
  • The Renault Story - an update on the intensifying situation in British and French factories, including strikes and plant closures.
  • Labour Advice Bureau - from Sylvia Pankhurst's Workers Dreadnought - advice to workers, labour leaders, and the Labour Party.
  • Negro Workers - book review by Norma Meacock - a review of The Indignant Heart by Matthew Ward.
  • Notebook of an Engineer - Jim Petter - the District Committees are under attack.
  • About Ourselves - information about Solidarity, with a letter on an International Conference held in May and attended by Pouvoir Ouvrier, Socialism Reaffirmed, Unita Proletaria, and Pouvoir Ouvrier Belge.
  • Red Wrecker Now in Rome - news quotes and a comic illustration.
  • Zak-cloth and Hashes - E. Morse - Music Review No. 1 of 'The Party Symphony.'
  • Letters - from V. Turner and H. Harrison.


vol1no8.pdf (17.52 MB)
