The ninth issue of the first volume of Solidarity for workers' power from late 1961 with articles on the Committee of 100, BLSP strike, state socialist Cuba and more.

- Civil disobedience and the working class - on the Committee of 100, with suggestions for it to turn its focus towards the working class.
- Four hours in a degenerated workers' embassy - Ken Weller - a participant account in a short lived occupation of the Russian Embassy on Tuesday 19 October, 1961 against the Soviet nuclear programme.
- BLSP strike - an introduction and background to the dispute at British Light Steel Pressings.
- Sit-down critique - Jim Petter - a critique of the Committee of 100 in response to an article in Solidarity #1.08.
- Film review: Rocco & his brothers
- On the social structure of the new Cuba - John Ball - information and critique on the new state socialist regime there.
- "Some views on civil disobedience" - Grace Jacobs - thoughts on the Committee of 100 and civil disobedience.
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