That Leaflet An account of the distribution of the above leaflet in the Soviet Union and its repercussions.
The Blake Escape: Michael Randle Interview Black Flag interviews Mike Randle, one of the activists who freed George Blake from Wormwood Scrubs in 1966. (Interview from 1989)
Beyond Counting Arses Influential document produced by eight members of the London Committee of 100 in 1963, opposing bureaucracy and promoting direct action. The ideas expressed would feed into the work done by Spies For Peace in exposing "Regional Seats of Government" - secret bunkers for the rich and powerful in the event of nuclear war. According to Maurice Brinton, its authors were "radicals, mainly from or close to Solidarity".
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 5 #01 (31) Jan 1964 Volume 5, Issue 1 of Direct Action, with articles on Committee of 100 members being imprisoned, a strike by construction workers at St. Paul's…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 2 #05 May 1962 Volume 2, Issue #5 of Direct Action, with articles on May Day, an advert for a Committee of 100 meeting featuring Alan Sillitoe among others, the…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 2 #03 March 1962 Volume 2, Issue 3 of Direct Action, with articles on calls for a general strike against a wage freeze, Guyana's supposedly anticolonial rulers…