The No. 36 (November 1959) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League from 1955 until 1966.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on July 16, 2016

Contents include:

-We view & comment by Russell Blackwell

-Review: Of dust and stars: selected poems by Vernon Ward (Review by RDE)

-Pacifist action by Walter Gormly

-The King Kong Defense System

-The anti-Peronist psychosis in Argentina by J. Ballesteros

-The libertarian bookshelf (literature list)

-Don't walk on the grass either by Dave Mason

-Human automations by Sheldon J. Deretchin

-Rank...and a little file by Dave Mason


-What we stand for

This issue digitized for by the Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme (CIRA) in Lausanne, Switzerland.
