The Vol. 3, No. 3 (Winter 1947) issue of Retort, an anarchist publication produced out of Bearsville, New York from 1942-1951.
Retort Vol. 3, No. 3 (Winter 1947)

Contents include:
-Editorial: There is no social contract!
-The economics of anarchy: an exchange by Don Calhoun & Holley Cantine
-Poems by George Sims and Dachine Rainer
-On saying "no" by Robert Bek-Gran
-The paradoxes of social life by Helen Constas
-Notes on France revisited by George Woodcock
-The International
-Review: Dickens, Dali & others: studies in popular culture by George Orwell (Review by Dachine Rainer)
-Review: Casualty by Robert Lowry (Review by Alexander Lang)
-Review: One world in the making by Ralph Burton Perry (Review by R.H. Crum)
-Review: Art & social nature by Paul Goodman (Review by Dachine Rainer)
-Records: Bach; Stravinsky; Bach; Milhaud; Mozart (Review by Jackson MacLow)
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