
Submitted by Juan Conatz on September 15, 2016

Industrial Worker (June 7, 1930)

The June 7, 1930 (Vol. XII, No. 23, Whole No. 703) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Submitted by Juan Conatz on September 15, 2016

Contents include:

-Discontent seethes on harbor

-Wage cuts may force shingle weavers strike by C.E. Payne

-Big Snake cuts wages again to $4.75 per day

-Court reverses C.S. conviction in Ohio cases

-Why men are out of work

-Germany puts up tariff wall on Russian grain

-Baxter's Buckshots

-Editorial: Discontent

-Young awaits court report in Mooney case

-"Safety last"

-Spokane shark to repay cost for fake "jobs"

-Regimenting the youthful mind

-'Charity' graft in free meals in Vancouver

-General slump on Grays Harbor

-Marx in a nutshell by Covami

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.



Industrial Worker (June 14, 1930)

The June 14, 1930 (Vol. XII, No. 24, Whole No. 704) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Submitted by Juan Conatz on September 15, 2016

Contents include:

-Mine factions fight for power

-Press junket in the interest of coal barons

-Ariel job is "slaughter house"

-Aged and infirm displace Mex. on Calif, beet farm

-Rail men demand 30-hour week

-Editorial: The one way out

-Baxter's Buckshots

-Detroit bazaar wins approval

-New gods for old

-Capitalism and the Anzac

-Campaign to be waged against injunctions

-The scissorbill and the Wobbly

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


Industrial Worker (June 21, 1930)

The June 21, 1930 (Vol. XII, No. 25, Whole No. 705) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Submitted by Juan Conatz on September 19, 2016

Contents include:

-Harvest workers organizing drive

-Georgia cases go to trial in Atlanta June 19

-Governor Young promises prompt action in Mooney case

-Tee-Bone Slim hits the straw belt in Kansas

-Prosperity hits the charmed land

-Bosses block laws to relieve unemployment

-Editorial: The mechanism of unemployment

-Baxter's Buckshots

-Forever by Covami (a.k.a. Covington Hall)

-July 4th picnic in Chicago at Beyers Grove

-110 conference at Ellsworth, Kan.

-A journalistic jackass by Radix

-Open forum in San Francisco

-Cops and American Legion suspend constitution

-Aliens do work on California bonanza farms

-Chairy: a commercialized graft

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


Industrial Worker (June 28, 1930)

Articles from the June 28, 1930 (Vol. XII, No. 26, Whole No. 706) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Submitted by Juan Conatz on June 7, 2016

Contents include:

-Coal barons prepare to cut wage

-Lewis machine and operators co-erce miners

-Sale of arms to Soviet Russia stopped by U.S.

-No family men wanted at Ariel

-Annual drive of harvesters sweeps north

-Detroit auto industries close for two weeks

-Atheists can't testify in New Jersey

-Editorial: The power behind the law

-Baxter's Buckshots

-International affiliations versus organization

-New copper mine opens Sept. 1st at Leavenworth

-Boulder Dam is health menace

-Filipinos are moot problem in California

-Reactionary influence of craft unions

-Man starves on Calif. highway

-An appeal from the Swedish I.W.W.

-California the "Beautiful and damned"

-Law perverted to terrorize Calif. strikers

-Indian police lash Gandhists with leather

-Things seen and heard on the skidroad

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


International affiliations versus organization

A response by Del. T-O 46 to an article by Paul Mattick that appeared in the IWW newspaper, Solidarity.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on June 7, 2016

ASPUDDEN, Sweden, June 4.—(To the Industrial Worker.)—In Solidarity numbers 20 and 21 appeared an article under the heading: "On International Affiliations" by Paul Mattick with which I am going to take issue. In the latter part of the article he says that the future of the I.W.W. is assured, but further down he modifies that statement by stating, that it does not mean that the class organization will be a part of the present I.W.W. with headquarters in Chicago.

Further down still he says that the tactics of the European proletariat depend in its experiences. And from that he deducts that the I.W.W. in Europe will only remain an effort—nothing but an effort.

By using just a little logic we can tear those statements to shreds. If the future of the I.W.W. is assured, why not join it and be consistent? If the experiences determine social and economic actions and not present needs and realities why start an organization like the A.A.U.? Would not the craft unions as they are suffice? They embody experiences of the workers as well. He says that we must reckon with the traditions and prejudices of the European proletariat, but as an I.W.W. with the necessary educational qualifications, he must know, if he is honest, that traditions can and must be transferred to more modern movements and the prejudices directed in other directions that against a new and growing movement like the I.W.W.

It is precisely what all those well wishers are doing, they are subtly living on the old traditions and prejudices, because it entails too many sacrifices to handle them in a scientific manner.

To an I.W.W., any national organization, however, revolutionary in abstract principles (and they of necessity must be abstract in a nationally restricted organization of the workers) is an upholder of old traditions and prejudices of the workers which are bound to be in opposition to the I.W.W.

In the last analysis all those traditions and prejudices are rooted, not so much in the minds of the workers as in the economic status of all the many different kinds of paid officials, from the Christian socialist down to the officials in the A.A.U. and the Syndicalists' organizations. Every worker, group of workers, craft union group of workers, nationally organized group of workers has a fund of traditions, regardless of whether they live and work in Europe or in the U.S. The only worker who has I.W.W. traditions is the worker who is or has been a member of the I.W.W., and his store of traditions is dependent on the length of time he has been a member of the I.W.W. The I.W.W. being the most modern form of the working class organization, it follows that these traditions are the best for the working class and hence must replace all the others.

Prejudices which, I take it, are a biological necessity, existing and functioning for the purpose of protecting the individual, the craft group and the larger nationally organized proletarian , can not be abolished, but they can be given another and more useful direction by I.W.W. education and organization. Instead, also, of being merely a passive well wisher of the I.W.W. and by so being, in daily practice directing the workers prejudices against the I.W.W. , he ought to be brave enough to take a stand against them. To sum up: if the working class today stands in need of such an organization as the Industrial Workers of the World, which it does, then it is up to an I.W.W. who is convinced of that need to be consistent and fight it out.

My advice to all members of the I.W.W. is this: don't sell part of your intellectual store to any group, give it to the working class; it needs it, and badly, too.

Originally appeared in the Industrial Worker, June 28, 1930 (Vol. 12, No. 26, Whole No. 706)
Typed up for libcom.org by Juan Conatz
