Articles from the June 28, 1930 (Vol. XII, No. 26, Whole No. 706) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Contents include:
-Coal barons prepare to cut wage
-Lewis machine and operators co-erce miners
-Sale of arms to Soviet Russia stopped by U.S.
-No family men wanted at Ariel
-Annual drive of harvesters sweeps north
-Detroit auto industries close for two weeks
-Atheists can't testify in New Jersey
-Editorial: The power behind the law
-Baxter's Buckshots
-International affiliations versus organization
-New copper mine opens Sept. 1st at Leavenworth
-Boulder Dam is health menace
-Filipinos are moot problem in California
-Reactionary influence of craft unions
-Man starves on Calif. highway
-An appeal from the Swedish I.W.W.
-California the "Beautiful and damned"
-Law perverted to terrorize Calif. strikers
-Indian police lash Gandhists with leather
-Things seen and heard on the skidroad
This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.