The Black Voice

Cover of The Black Voice
Cover of The Black Voice

Partial online archive of The Black Voice, the information arm of the United Black Workers, an organization of workers at the Ford Mahwah Assembly plant in New Jersey in the early 1970s.

Submitted by Steven. on October 30, 2016

The Black Workers Voice was started in 1970. Its stated purpose was "to help educate, expose, inform, and even agitate our fellow workers out of a feeling of complacency and frustration. Its further purpose is to assist in dealing realistically with the many problems facing workers on the job, in the community and around the world."


The Black Voice #3.09

Issue of The Black Voice from January 1973 containing articles on a deal between Haiti and Texas businesses, wildcat strikes of black workers in Atlanta, Muhammed Ali and more.

Submitted by syndicalist on October 22, 2016


Scan6309-3.pdf (7.13 MB)



8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on October 22, 2016

This was the only copy I had in my flies.

Additional copies can be found by clicking on these links:

1. "The Black Voice" Vol. 5-2:

2. "The Black Voice" Vo; 6-2:

The Black Voice #5.02

Issue of The Black Voice from around April 1975 with articles about their union local 906, a visit with the Black Panthers, the National Unemployed Council in the great depression, Puerto Rico and the origins of May Day (although omitting that the Haymarket martyrs were anarchists).

Submitted by Steven. on October 30, 2016



The Black Voice #6.02

Issue of The Black Voice from 1976 with articles about contract negotiations, the UAW bureaucracy, sexual violence and forced sterilisation of women of colour, anticolonial struggles in Zimbabwe, a black boycott of the US bicentennial and more.

Submitted by Steven. on October 30, 2016

