International leaflet produced for the attempt at a strike at McDonalds, 16 October 2002.

Submitted by Steven. on March 18, 2017

Only fighting will win!

Today is the date of the first ever co-ordinated international mobilisation by the McDonalds workforce. Today is the day that we say 'enough is enough' to exploitation and low wages. Today is the day that we throw a spanner in the works of McDonalds profit machine.

We, the organizations undersigned, have decided during an international conference that took place in Essen (Germany) "i2002" and in subsequent discussions, that this 16th October will be an international day of struggle for improved working conditions and salaries in which we invite the participation of all McDonalds workers.

This is why colleagues, we intervene in your restaurant- because all over the world the McDonald's multinational exploits young workers for miserable wages in harder and harder working conditions. McDonald's makes every effort to prevent us from organazing and constituting unions because they know such organisations allow us to oppose the corporate dictatorship that benefits only the employers and treats us with contempt.

But today this strategy is failing: Everywhere we are organizing- in associations (McDonald’s Workers Resistance), or in unions (CGT Spain, CNT-France, IWW-USA, IWW-Australia…). For many years our organization and struggle has been increasing, today we find a new unity and internationalism.

No more shall we endure modern day slavery!

Today, 16th October, we have had enough!

For an international solidarity !

For the unity of all the McDonalds workers!

Signatories: Aberdeen Anarchist Resistance (Scotland), Autonomt Motstand (Sweden), Chainworkers (Italy), CNT-AIT (France), CNT (France), Edinburgh Industrial Workers of the World, Frei ArbeiterInnen Union (Germany), web site, McDonalds International Liberation Front (?), McDonalds Workers Resistance (UK, USA, Canada, Australia), McLibel Support Campaign, Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation (Sweden), Union of Shop Distributive and Allied Workers Kings Lynn Branch (UK), Workers Resistance Against McDonalds (UK)

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