The Winter 2016 (#1776, Vol. 113, No. 1) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Contents include:
-Readers' Soapbox
-Upstate NY IWW holds Black Friday action at Walmart by Greg Giorgio
-Check out the wonderfully-disobedient Bryan McPherson by x331980
-To the juveniles confined throughout amerika by Hybachi LeMar
-Twin Cities IWW's Sisters Camelot Canvass Union stays strong in a three-year struggle by Shuge Mississippi
-Support the Southern IWW speaking tour by Brandon S
-Remembering the women who perished in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire by Raymond S. Solomon
-Black History Month: remembering a long history of U.S.-led racist oppression by Nolan Grunska
-Workers' power against police brutality and racist terror by Brandon Sowers
-Keep on rockin' GLAMROC! by Mark Richter (GMB Frankfurt) & Jonathan Sznejder (GMB Cologne)
-A journey to the heart of Zapatista territory by Brendan Maslauskas Dunn
-Beware of company consciousness by x372712
-"Patriot" militias exploit rural communities' crises by x372712
-In China, labor unrest and crackdowns on the rise by John Kalwaic