3rd issue of Race Traitor, Spring 1994.

Table of Contents
Who Lost an American, by Joel Gilbert, as told to Noel Ignatiev
Back From Hell: Black Power and Treason to Whiteness Inside Prison Walls, by Komboa Ervin
Letters from Lucasville Prison, by Chryztof Knecht
When We Don't Get Race, It Kills Us, by Mab Segrest
Free To Be Me
Richmond Journal: Thirty Years in Black & White, by Edward H. Peeples
Panic, Rage, and Reason, by John Garvey
Out of Whiteness, by Christopher Day
Review: Ruth Frankenburg, White Women, Race Matters, by Marion Gray
"I just called myself a little foot-soldier..." An Interview with activists at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Can I Get a Witness, by Phil Rubio
Reflections on the Comparative History and Sociology of Racism, by George M. Frederickson
The White Worker and the Labor Movement in Nineteenth-Century America, by Noel Ignatiev
Editorials: When Does the Unreasonable Act Make Sense?
Anti-Fascism, "Anti-racism," and Abolition