16th of Race Traitor, Winter 2005.

Special Palestine issue.

Submitted by Fozzie on December 20, 2018

Table of Contents

Noel Ignatiev: Introduction

Ronit Lentin: Guest Introduction

Omar Barghouti: Relative Humanity: The Fundamental Obstacle to a Secular Democratic State Solution

Ilan Pappe: The One-State Solution in Historical Perspective

Naseer H. Aruri: US Policy and the Single State in Palestine/Israel

Eli Aminov: Why Secular Democracy?

As'ad Ghanem: The Binational Solution for the Israeli Palestinian Crisis: A Realistic Solution

Adam Sabra: Binationalism or a National State? A Response to As'ad Ghanem

Ghada Karmi: The Right of Return and the Unitary State in Israel/Palestine

Israel Shamir: Russians in the Holy Land
