Libertarian Communist, paper of the Libertarian Communist Group

An archive of Libertarian Communist, a paper produced by the UK Libertarian Communist Group (formely the Anarchist Workers Association and Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists) in the late 1970s, following on from Libertarian Struggle/Anarchist Worker. Originally digitised by the Sparrow's Nest.

Submitted by R Totale on April 3, 2020

Libertarian Communist #1 (January-February 1978) + special supplement on Russia 1917

The first issue of Libertarian Communist. WIth articles on wage struggles to keep up with inflation, struggles in the health sector and hospital occupations, a left unity conference, the developing politics of the Libertarian Communist Group (formerly Anarchist Workers' Association), reviews of Alexandra Kollontai and the Campaign for Real Ale, international news from Italy, Uruguay, and South Africa, a firefighters' strike, Greater Manchester Police suing a community paper for libel, a special supplement on Russia 1917 and more.

Submitted by R Totale on April 3, 2020


LC1.pdf (31.57 MB)


Libertarian Communist #2 (July 1978) + special supplement on France 1968

The second issue of Libertarian Communist, with articles on teachers' union NUT and education struggles, workers' democracy, apartheid in South Africa, anti-racism and the Anti-Nazi League, reviews of pamphlets by hospital workers and the National Women's Aid Federation, a special supplement on France 1968, and more.

Submitted by R Totale on April 3, 2020


LC 2.pdf (31.17 MB)


Libertarian Communist #3 (October 1978) + special supplement on "Socialism and Democracy"

An early issue of Libertarian Communist, un-numbered but possibly issue 3. With articles on the state, the balance of power in the class struggle, the Persons Unknown trial, the Mujeres Libres, a review of Peggy Kornegger on feminism and anarchism, repression in Bulgaria and the history of the anarchist movement there, a debate about the Libertarian Communist Group, its paper and its future, a review of a Big Flame pamphlet on Italy, the Anti-Nazi League, and a special supplement on socialism and democracy. Notable for the LCG's endorsement of left electoral candidates.

Submitted by R Totale on April 3, 2020


LC2.pdf (30.29 MB)


Libertarian Communist #4 (Spring 1979) + special supplement on Spain 1936

Issue #4 of Libertarian Communist, with articles on public sector wage struggles, local authority maintenance workers, workplace hazards, the Anti-Nazi League, an interview with members of the Troops Out Movement about mass demonstrations in Northern Ireland, Victor Serge, a review of EP Thompson's The Poverty of Theory, international work with other European revolutionaries against the "bosses' Europe" of the EEC, a special supplement on Spain 1936 and more.

Submitted by R Totale on April 3, 2020


LC4.pdf (29.63 MB)


R Totale

4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on April 3, 2020

That front cover image of nurses with signs saying "pounds not public sympathy" and "don't pity us, pay us" feels impressively relevant right now.

Libertarian Communist #5 (Summer 1979)

Issue #5 of Libertarian Communist, with articles on the newly-elected Thatcher government's policies, an interview with a militant in the public sector union NUPE, steelworkers' struggles in France, the revival of the CNT in Spain, a review of Beyond the Fragments, two reports from Italy, an anti-nuclear gathering in Scotland and more.

Submitted by R Totale on April 3, 2020

Libertarian Communist #5 - special supplement on "Sketching the Limits of Trotsky"

"Sketching the Limits of Trotsky", a special supplement produced accompanying Libertarian Communist issue #5 with an evaluation of Trotsky's life and ideas.

Submitted by R Totale on April 4, 2020


LC T.pdf (11.6 MB)


Libertarian Communist #6 (Autumn 1979)

Issue #6 of Libertarian Communist, with articles on the new Thatcher government's cuts and the need for an anti-cuts movement, the declining British economy, nuclear power, new technology and redundancies, Northern Ireland and the Troops Out movement, a review of Towards a Fresh Revolution by the Friends of Durruti Group, East Timor, the student movement and more.

Submitted by R Totale on April 4, 2020


LC6.pdf (24.77 MB)


Libertarian Communist #7 (Winter 1979/1980)

Issue #7 of Libertarian Communist. With articles on mass unemployment, the need for a mass anti-cuts campaign, the Labour Party and Labour left after their election defeat, Northern Ireland, a review of a pamphlet about the class nature of the Soviet Union, reviews of books by the Marxist-Humanists CLR James and Charles Denby, an anti-cuts group planning to run candidates in the Leeds local elections and more.

Submitted by R Totale on April 4, 2020


LC7.pdf (19.73 MB)



4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on April 4, 2020

No, it wasn't the final issue. Read the boxed announcement in issue above which states that LC would start coming out in magazine format. One issue (at least) did come out in that format

R Totale

4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on April 4, 2020

Ah, OK - it seems to be the final issue in the Sparrow's Nest collection so I wasn't sure if they ever managed to produce the magazine format. How long did the LCG last for after this?


4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on April 5, 2020

Not much longer , most members went into Big Flame.
Oh, and Sparrows Nest should have that magazine issue, I 'm sure I donated my copy.


4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on April 5, 2020


4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on April 5, 2020

OH, and PDF of number 8, definitely confirmed as final issue, is here:


4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on April 5, 2020

No 8 contains the last special supplement of the ORA/AWA/LCG current: The Peasantry in Action., written if I remember correctly, by Keith Nathan. Billy Williams, as I've said before was one of my nom de plumes, Terry Sheen was an alias for Anthony Zurbrugg who has written a couple of books on anarchism.

Libertarian Communist #8 (1980)

Issue #8 of Libertarian Communist, the final issue and the first to appear in a new magazine-style format. With articles on CND, heightened tensions in the Cold War, a review of a pamphlet about the wealthy, a history of the Irish labour movement, a special supplement on the peasantry in Spain, Mexico and China, a report on a congress of the refounded CNT and the tensions within that organisation, Italy after Negri's arrest, the anti-cuts grouping the Liberarian Communist Group backed in the Leeds council elections, and more.

Submitted by R Totale on April 5, 2020



Libertarian Communist special issue: Subversity

Subversity, a special issue of Libertarian Communist aimed at new students. With articles on critical analysis of the university, Northern Ireland and the demand for troops out, workers' control, the fight against racism and sexism, student involvement in struggles against education cuts, and more.

Submitted by R Totale on April 4, 2020


LC S.pdf (11.03 MB)



4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on April 5, 2020

Not the first Subversity. The ORA produced at least one issue.

R Totale

4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on April 5, 2020

Yep, the ORA Subversity is here: That one's interesting for having arguments about "free speech" and the no-platforming of right-wing speakers that feel like they could have come straight from the last few years.