Anarchist journal published by Freedom Press in 1997. This issue is themed around class struggle - its contents are of extremely variable quality.
The Raven #36: Class Struggle and Social Protest

- Introduction
- The Relevance of Class in Class War - David Douglass
- I - Unemployment: ideological construct or economic reality? - Derek Pattison
- II - Learning or Labour? - Derek Pattison
- The 7,000 mile picket line: Liverpool dockers two years on - Guy Cheverton
- Managing the Unemployed - Albert Shore
- Greve Generale: surprised again by the mass-strike - Norman Stock
- I - History of Conflict in Puerto Real - Brian Bamford
- II - A conversation with Pepe Gomez in September 1996 - Brian Bamford
- III - Street-wise South of the Sierras - Brian Bamford
- Class Struggle, or Acting for Ourselves - Donald Rooum
- Class Struggle - No Struggle - Jean Pollard
- Some Thoughts on Class Struggle - Peter Neville
- In the Womb of the Old - John Rety
- I - Anarchy at the Peace Camps - Kate Witcham
- II - From Protest to Prison in three easy steps - Kate Witcham
- A Personal Experience of Direct Action - Mick Cropper
- Runway Two - Julian Fitzgerald
- Postscript
- Review of Culture and Anarchism - John Pilgrim
- Comments on Raven 35
Cover image by Donald Rooum. This issue edited by Harold Sculthorpe.
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