Anarcho-syndicalist magazine published by the Solidarity Federation. This issue's theme: sustainability

Submitted by Fozzie on September 14, 2022


  • Sustaining Lies: Sustaining lies is all part of modern government - and if you don't believe me, just listen to Big Toe.
  • Phones or Life?Why capitalism won't ask you the right questions.
  • All Children to go on 'Big Brother'
  • Sustaining Anarchism
  • Manufacturing Apathy
  • Politicians and Prostitutes
  • Manchester Electricians Win Case
  • Bathing in Gravy
  • On the edge: Ethnic Cleansing in East Anglia; Olivepicking far Peace; WRR in the trees; WRR in the trees; A
    Burning Issue; Steal the Water, Push the Powder; Sheffield Bus drivers strike; Canary cleaners organising; Gulf War Syndrome update; Asbestos 'games'; Leave out Levi's.
  • international news
  • Features: Olympics - hidden truths; Unites States of Aggression; Slavery2004.
  • globalfocus: Brazil: The Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais sem Terra.
  • The meaning of Sustainable Development: Trying to use the market system, which relies on over-production, marketing, and other inherently wasteful practices, to bring about 'sustainable growth', is like using a flamethrower to put out a forest fire
  • Getting from A2B Sustainably: Why is it that road accidents (unlike train accidents) are rarely mentioned in the media?
  • Free your head: Comments on religion and culture
  • notes+letters
  • justicepage: UK Prison Slavery
  • Review Features:
    Gulag, a histiory - Anne Applebaum
    Ice Road - Gillian Slovo
  • books and pamphlets reviews
    The Buenos Aires Tragedy - KSL
    The Monkeywrench Gang - Edward Abbey
    The Great Divestiture - Massimo Floro
    Underwriting Bribery - Corner House
  • music and TV reviews
    Living After the Coal Face
    Various Artists: Por vida: a tribute to the
    songs of Alejandro Escovedo
    Various Artists: Rock Against Bush vol. 1
  • Sustainability: market vs. society - In world where market forces are attempting to trash the notion of society because it does not fit in with its vision of a world driven by individual greed, anarchism offers an alternative view of humanity...
  • DA resources - Info., upcoming events, campaigns, friends & neighbours.

