Inside Story

a collection of covers of Inside Story magazine

Partial online archive of Inside Story, a London based radical news magazine founded by Wynford Hicks. 13 issues were published between March 1972 and December 1973.

Submitted by Fozzie on October 16, 2023

Wynford Hicks' account of the publication is available in p110-p116 of his memoirs.

After Inside Story ceased publication, many of its contributors went on to form the newspaper Wildcat.

Missing: #9, #10.


Inside Story #1 1972

Cartoon of a journalist phoning in the Army's story about Bloody Sunday whilst drinking in a pub

Debut issue of Inside Story with several features on Blood Sunday in Northern Ireland and related media fallout. Also potential closure of steel plants following entry to the Common Market, resisting expulsions in South London schools, satire.

Submitted by Fozzie on October 29, 2023



Submitted by westartfromhere on November 17, 2023

Inside Story #1 1972 wrote:

The fight against the political role of the mental hospital is an important part of the class struggle.

Inside Story #2 1972

an odd cartoon with a zombie woman being refused an abortion by a doctor

Contents include: access to abortion controversy, unequal pay for women at Cussons, how the miners won - inspite of the NUM, teacher training critiqued, Marsha Rowe on working for Oz and International Times, resisting the census, journalists who earn too little to join the NUM, "woman's page".

Submitted by Fozzie on October 29, 2023

Inside Story #3 1972

A cartoon of an undercover policeman approaching some hippie types "Now lads, how would you like to help us?" "Right on man, but we're already workin' for Special Branch"

Including: Special Branch spying on political activists, police raids and repression, photographer Quentin Jacobson jailed in South Africa, Sheikh Karume's rise to power in Zanzibar, the end of the Womens' Industrial Union, in-fighting in race relations organisations, letters, satire page, etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on November 5, 2023



Inside Story #4 1972

A pretty crude cartoon of immigrant workers emerging from a Citreon car, surrounded by frogs on lilipads

Including: shooting of activist Pierre Overney outside a car factory in France, APL news agency fights repression, update on struggles in Italy, arrest of Ulrike Meinhof and Andreas Baader in West Germany, Nicolas Walter on the Stoke Newington 8 trials, Republic of Ireland against republicans, letters, small ads, etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on November 5, 2023



Inside Story #5 1972

Inside Story 5 cover

September 1972 issue including: Islington squatters, social workers and squatters, squatting in France, whistleblowing and town planners, compulsory purchase orders in Lambeth, Building Workers Charter, trial round ups including Stoke Newington 8, Roddy Kentish trial, education book reviews, pamphlets reviews, letters, contacts.

Submitted by Fozzie on November 12, 2023



Inside Story #6 1972

Inside Story 6 cover

November 1972 issue including: Phone phreaking, censorship, Russian dissidents and psychiatry, repression at Broadmoor, radical psychiatry/psychology, Stoke Newington 8 trial, Bookchin's "Post Scarcity Anarchism" reviewed, pamphlets, news, notes, letters, contacts.

Submitted by Fozzie on November 12, 2023



Inside Story #7 1973

Inside Story 7 front cover spread

Including: conditions in British prisons, prisoner groups, Stuart Christie's account of being fitted up, Broadmoor, the Harlem 4 trial, reviews, letters, contacts, etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on October 16, 2023

PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest Archive, Nottingham.



Inside Story #8 1973

Cover of Inside Story 8 "The Spies That Got Away" illustrations of flying eyes with the CND symbol in the irises

Including: Spies For Peace, the British state vs Welsh Nationalism, nationalist movements in Europe, relief workers prosper in Bangladesh, conditions in British prisons, National Association of Schoolmasters critique, book on squatting reviewed, pamphlets, news, notes, letters.

Submitted by Fozzie on November 26, 2023



Inside Story #11 1973

The 'deserter' the Sunday Mirror sent to Sweden

Including: investigation of media expose of British soldiers assisted by pacifists to desert, libel news (including threats against Inside Story, Pat Arrowsmith book), poor medical treatment of women inmates in Holloway prison, trade unionist Walter Morrison blacklisted, many book reviews, mainstream media notes, prisoners, Nicolas Walter vs Black Flag, etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on April 21, 2024

PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest Archive, Nottingham.



Inside Story #13 1973

Inside Story front cover

Including: National Union of Journalist disputes round up, Socialist Worker and libel, feudal corruption in Galway, mining and minerals in Ireland, prisons and prisoners round up, Nicolas Walter reviews Pluto Press, trouble at Peace News, Time Out vs Oz, Time Out vs Nicolas Walter, etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on October 14, 2023

With thanks to Kate Sharpley Library for providing a copy to be scanned.

This was the final issue.




1 year 4 months ago

Submitted by Fozzie on October 14, 2023

Don't know much about this one. Interesting investigative/radical journalism with an anarchist slant.

Might have gone on to merge with the London based Wildcat as some of its publications are titled "Wildcat Inside Story" with a similar font?

Edited to add: Actually this is all explained here: