Partial online archive of this anarchist-communist journal published in New York from 1919. 10 issues were produced.

Not to be confused with the long running London-based anarchist journal of the same name. Or the Chicago journal edited by Lucy Parsons from 1890-1892).
See also Freedom: A Weekly/Monthly Journal of Anarchist News and Opinions - published in New York in 1933-34.

Including: new editors Harry Kelly and Leonard Abbott, anarchism/syndicalism/IWW, account of police interview with Freedom editor, Nicholas Tchaikovsky drifts from anarchism, dress workers in New York, miners in Germany, Alexander Berkman writes from prison, etc.

Including: the individual in war and peace, psychology, IWW vs Oklahoma oil, etc.

Including: direct action vs political action, report on Sparticide insurrection in Germany, letters from Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, etc.

Including: in memoriam Gustav Landauer and Erich Muhsam, school under the Bolsheviks, Henry Ford vs anarchists, I.W.W., etc
NB: several pages are missing from the PDF.

The final issue, including: Boston police strike, Kropotkin's Russia appeal, letter from Emma Goldman, Mollie Stimer arrest account, review of dinner in honor of Berkman and Goldman, etc.