ICC Open Meeting, 5 October, London

Submitted by Alf on October 2, 2024

Come and discuss
ICC Open Meeting, 5 October, London
Published by ICConline
Monday, 23 September, 2024 - 14:38

Saturday 5 October, 2pm

Calthorpe Arms, 252 Grays Inn Rd, London WC1X 8JR

A discussion meeting without a set theme but which can take up any aspects of revolutionary politics. Comrades are welcome to suggest topics for discussion in advance: write to [email protected]


5 months 1 week ago

Submitted by Alf on October 2, 2024

The articles, reports, and resolutions that you can find on our website (en.internationalism.org) are produced by a real living, breathing revolutionary organisation. Our work is not limited to online and hard copy publications, we also intervene towards pickets, strikes and demonstrations. Alongside that we hold meetings, sometimes online and sometimes face-to-face in the flesh. Some of these meetings are around subjects that the ICC thinks are important for the working class, with a presentation of our point of view, followed by plenty of time for discussion. We also hold Open Meetings which are open to anyone who is interested in anything to do with our political positions and analysis. Whether on questions from the history of the workers movement, or on the principles established by the groups of the Communist Left, or on aspects of our analysis of the national or international situation, or on the work of revolutionary organisations, or with questions on or disagreements with anything that we have published, you are encouraged to contact us before the next Open Meeting and outline what you would like to discuss with the ICC. These meetings can be really productive in following up on correspondence, in answering questions, in all aspects of the process of political clarification.


5 months 1 week ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on October 2, 2024

Sadly unable to attend the meeting in the capital on 5/10/2024 due to material constraints. However, the following questions are addressed to those that can afford to attend:

Alf, do we still believe, of the destruction of the World Trade Center on 11/9/2001, 'in all probability that was "allowed to happen" by the American state to justify its war plans' [ICConline on 17 September, 2006 - 13:40]?

However convenient the attack was as a pretext for wreaking revenge for the audacious uprising of the working class on 28/9/2000, can we really claim a conspiracy existed between the US State and the Islamist state-in-waiting alongside the existing Islamist state of Saudi Arabia?

This may appear as an historic matter but as history has recently repeated itself—terrorist atrocity preempting proletarian slaughter—it is a matter worthy of discussion amongst comrades.


5 months ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on October 6, 2024

How's the swally? Trust you raised a glass to absent comrades.


4 months 3 weeks ago

Submitted by Alf on October 19, 2024

Westartfromhere: Thanks for responding and apologies for the late reply. At the open meeting we discussed three main topics: the current situation in the Middle East, imperialist interests in Africa, and the intervention of internationalists on the question of war. Interestingly, a comrade from the SPGB was there and informed us that some comrades in the organisation are beginning to think that we are in an increasingly catastrophic situation, not just the endless cycle of boom and slump that the SPGB usually puts forward against the communist left’s notion of a decadent system which is posing a real threat to the survival of humanity.

The issue of 9/11 didn’t come up. But a couple of questions about your post: what are you referring to when you mention the “audacious uprising of the working class on 28/9/2000”?

And why would the US state allowing Al Qaida to go ahead with their attack imply that “a conspiracy existed between the US State and the Islamist state-in-waiting alongside the existing Islamist state of Saudi Arabia?”. There is evidence that the security services of the US state were monitoring some of the 9/11 plotters, so all they had to do to let them go ahead with whatever they were planning was not arrest them. It wouldn’t have needed any direct agreement between the US and Al-Qaida.


4 months 3 weeks ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on October 19, 2024

It was the ICC that suggested that the September 11th attack was ' "allowed to happen" ' by the USA as a pretext for war. If the USA did in fact have knowledge of the attack and let it happen does that not constitute a conspiracy between the two perpetrators? There are parallels with the inaction of the British state in relation to what it terms "terrorist actions" in Ireland.

Dry references to boom and bust and Decadence Theory without taking account of the part that the working class plays in fomenting the crisis is unhelpful for our cause, communism.

If you are ignorant at this late juncture of the event that occurred on 28 September 2000 then it is best that you pay no more heed of it.

Submitted by jaycee on October 21, 2024

westartfromhere wrote: It was the ICC that suggested that the September 11th attack was ' "allowed to happen" ' by the USA as a pretext for war. If the USA did in fact have knowledge of the attack and let it happen does that not constitute a conspiracy between the two perpetrators? There are parallels with the inaction of the British state in relation to what it terms "terrorist actions" in Ireland.

Dry references to boom and bust and Decadence Theory without taking account of the part that the working class plays in fomenting the crisis is unhelpful for our cause, communism.

If you are ignorant at this late juncture of the event that occurred on 28 September 2000 then it is best that you pay no more heed of it.

Can I just ask. How do you envision Palestine (and ukraine for that matter) winning?


4 months 2 weeks ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on October 27, 2024

Palestine, Ukraine and the whole Earth are won by means of the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie through the imposition of proletarian dictatorship, jaycee.

Submitted by jaycee on October 29, 2024

westartfromhere wrote: Palestine, Ukraine and the whole Earth are won by means of the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie through the imposition of proletarian dictatorship, jaycee.

I agree. So in your view how is supporting ukranian/palestinian nationalism and the connected imperialist powers going to help bring this overthrow about?


4 months 1 week ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on October 30, 2024

Our view is that the working class has no country of its own.