Member of Finnish parliament comes to her sense

Submitted by Horke Lavento on June 14, 2024

The member of finnish parliament - elected representtive of people as finnish electoral "democracy" calls it s legistlators - Anna Kontula has said that this is her last season in parliament - and that s not anyhow interesting in itself, but when she gives her reason for leaving this work in parliement - it comes interestin! She says that her ideological principals are in conflict with the work in parliamentary politics as she thinks state in itself is more of cause of problems and unjustices than tool to solve them! She has been elected as a left union party representative from Tampere area as a member of parliament! She has been known also from her social study and work among sexworkers - trying to get those actually working in the trade to have their opinion heard - there were initiative by some christian demcrats and other poiticians to make buying sex illegal in Finland - but sex workers strongly felt hat it will only make their life more dangerous and difficult as it forces the sexwork to hide as customers have to hide if been criminalised - so people (mainly women) on the trade elected one of the to represent ther view and This politician and her husbend were active to inform the problematic effects this law would bring and the idea was dropped - she has been known to speak for the people like drugaddicts etc also - and when soviet union had cllapsed and it s been very uncool to have anything to do with communism - Anna Kontula declaread that she consider hersel to be communist - and se explains - socialism is he tate promoted way that kills iniative and treats people as faceless entity -and communism she consider to be stateless form of co-operation of people for people themselves - it s inclusive democracy as state and socialismin its range is making people passive . Now she said that as she don t believe this system and this parliamentary polical work to make any difference it is inmoral to stay . Her idea of communism - started to sound even more familiar when she opened her thinking a bit more - she admited that her thinking is relatie to attitude of anarchists or anarcho-communists - so when popular leftist politician - bein at least two seasons in parliament withdraws rom parliamentary work and gives interview - explainig that she has come to think that parliamentary politics are not the way ahead and that she basically thinks anarchstt communism as idel for human coexistance to be organised - it is not revolution by no means - but it is something ! It shows that libertarian communist ideas have been considered as an real alternative - as an ideal - it means that anarchist thinking is not anymore just for small group of agressivelooking activist youth but political idea ofbetter wa of taking care of business of life and everything - and not leting the business of capital make us all slaves for ecenomic growt and destruction culture ...

Our programme is second to none - but anarchism has always has it s problems of presentation! Obviously all hierarchical structures and ones thinking benefitin of it - use all their imagination to claim it don t work and that anarchy means chaos - etc But the opposition is not only problem in anarchys image - anarchists are often not so good advocates for idea! Its not so if we look deep enough but it is true that especially if anarchist movement is small and just appeared - it is easy to portrait as utopist, difficult, strange and odd personalities making lots of noise and so on... Anarchists don t get press if somethings doesn t break - so it fuels the need for Black Blog tactics and a it strong and agressive choise of words etc - to be noticed - and work in revolutionary poitics - it needs some visibility that more people thinking same way can find the ones working for change - so capitalist press and state controlled tv-radio etc they don t have agenda to promote anarchy - unless it has some wau effect of selling more papers or gey
tting more clics -so we have to carnevalise the lot - and it is fine as it means that we have to learn make propaganda of laugh and it s alwas better than too serious blabla - if you can t have laugh yourself your danger to become farright-fascist - how many naziidiots you know that have sense of selfirony? Right none....
What do you think - should anarchism be popularised - branded for broader audience or do we loose then some of its uncompromising true to revolutionary cause or what.... and what about a bit not so radicalanarchism is it just liberals trying to take our name and spoil it or can it be seen as steps to understand and accept our programme eventually ... I would love to hear from your opinions !!!