Update to the ICT blog on libcom

Submitted by Internationali… on July 27, 2022

Five years ago we were invited by the libcom collective to set up a libcom blog. Since then we have been regularly uploading our articles and documents here. As some of you may have noticed, we have stopped doing so over the past couple months. We have decided that from now on we will only use our libcom blog for more significant documents (such as ICT statements) or for hosting historical publications (such as Revolutionary Perspectives and Workers Voice), whereas everything else will of course be available on leftcom.org as usual. If you'd like to keep up to date with our articles and activities, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter or join our Telegram channel.

On that note, we would like to thank the libcom collective for the opportunity to host our material here in the first place.



1 year 11 months ago

Submitted by Craftwork on July 27, 2022

No TikTok? (jk)


1 year 11 months ago

Submitted by adri on August 17, 2022

Any reason for this by the way? I'm not sure how leftcom compares in terms of page views, but wouldn't posting stuff on libcom reach a wider audience? In any case I liked reading some of the ICT's content/takes on current affairs on here.


1 year 9 months ago

Submitted by Internationali… on October 6, 2022

A few practical reasons, among them that there seems to be less and less activity on libcom (in terms of both content uploads and comments) - if we were to continue putting up our articles on here as we used to, we'd be flooding the website. There is now a CWO Linktree as well, for those who want everything in one place.


1 year 9 months ago

Submitted by Steven. on October 6, 2022

Sorry to see you go, but thanks for the contributions over the years and appreciate the update as well!


1 year 9 months ago

Submitted by Internationali… on October 8, 2022

Thanks Steven.

Authored on
July 27, 2022