"Anarchism in the Russian Revolution", Norwich UK, 21st October 2017
21st October, 7pm. The Reindeer Pub & Kitchen, 10 Dereham Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 4AY.
On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the ‘October Revolution’, where the Bolsheviks seized control of a popular uprising, there can still be found those who celebrate the events as a victory of ‘workers control’. This meeting will explore the role played by anarchists in the Russian revolution and the illusions propagated by the Bolsheviks.
Talks - Video - Discussion.
Speakers from the Anarchist Federation. https://www.afed.org.uk/
They will not just be discussing dusty old history but the effects Bolshevism has had on present struggles and what we should do about it.
Video from an unreleased 2016 documentary on the history of Anarchism.
Free entry. All welcome
*Advance copies of Theory and Practice's upcoming book - Ida Mett "The Kronstadt Uprising" will be available for sale.
Facebook event:
Goats and Monkeys! That's
Goats and Monkeys! That's short notice!
No, it was put up on October
No, it was put up on October 9th, so 13 days notice. Anyway fantastic turnout considering it started at 7pm on a Saturday night. Around 20 people, an excellent film show (section of French film series Neither Gods Nor Masters, not on general release, with very rare contemporary footage, including unintentionally hilarious anti-anarchist film made by Bolsheviks in early 1918) and excellent discussion.
Last night's meeting was very
Last night's meeting was very good - the French film section far exceeded my expectations. Informative with excellent production values. Let's hope it becomes available for general viewing.
It was a good idea to break the meeting into sections with each adding to the discussion. Well done!
So any ideas for the next
So any ideas for the next topic? Thinking of trying to do a small Bookfair / dayschool type thing..