Organise! magazine #86 and Resistance paper #160 published online

Submitted by Battlescarred on July 3, 2016

Organise! magazine #86 and Resistance paper #160 published online
You can find the PDFs of the Anarchist Federation’s latest publications from the following links…

Resistance #160 is a special issue about migrant struggles and includes an article about the EU referendum (written before the Leave result):

Our magazine Organise! (Summer 2016 issue) is focussed on The Commons and is also available for free online as follows: (file size around 17MB)

Note: printed copies can be purchased from AK Press or Active Distribution

The contents of Organise! #86 (Summer 2016) is:

Editorial: A Victory for the Commons,
The City is Ours! Fight for the City – Part 3,
A Radical Alternative to Airport Expansion,
They Walk By Night – 13th Century Nightwalker Statutes,
Psychogeography and Public Space,
Taking Up Space – Social Centres in the UK,
The Commons in Pre-Modern Thought,
Unpicking ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’,
International Gathering in Crete – An important Step in Building a United and Effective Anarchist Movement,
Call for an all-Britain class struggle anarchist conference in 2016,
Cuban Anarchism Reborn: An interview with Mario from TLAL,
Culture Feature – Henri Cartier-Bresson,
Book Reviews – The Failure of Nonviolence; Communal Luxury; Cities Under Siege.

Authored on
July 3, 2016