Solidarity with Dimitri Buchenkov

Submitted by Battlescarred on July 7, 2016

Russia: Solidarity with anarchist Dimitri Buchenkov

Dimitri had plans to organize early 2016 an anti-fascist and anarchist forum entitled "Self-management and libertarian communism" throughout all Russia. His arrest coincided with the final preparations for this initiative ... His detention should be extended until at least June 2016.
2015 was a bad year for opponents of Russian dictatorial regime under Vladimir Putin. The state has been heavy handed multiplying arrests and convictions for forced labor camp sentences. The anarchist and antifascist Dimitri Buchenkov, arrested on 2 December 2015, has paid the price of this policy which aims to silence opponents and hole up.
Research professor in political science and history of 36 years, Dimitri Buchenkov is the author of several books on the history of contemporary anarchism in Russia. He joined the libertarian communist organization Autonomous Action in 2002 in Nizhny Novgorod, and then moved to Moscow in 2008. He organized several street protests and various cultural events. He participated in the creation of the anti-fascist center V Project. In 2015, unknown (probably members of police FSB, former KGB) were severely beaten. He got away with a concussion.
Dimitri had plans to organize early 2016 an anti-fascist and anarchist forum entitled "Self-management and libertarian communism" throughout all Russia. His arrest coincided with the final preparations for this initiative ... His detention should be extended until at least June 2016.
The police suspects of involvement in the "disorders" of May 6, 2012, that is to say the clashes in Bolotnaya Square in Moscow in a context marked by protests across Russia against the rigged elections won by Putin. That day was Dimitri in Nizhny Novgorod. This accusation has an air of déjà vu. It is indeed very common for the police and judiciary to boot the system produce any room charges to bring regime opponents in the shade.

The arrest comes at a time marked by the 70% decline of oil revenues for more than two years of international sanctions against the recession in Russia. The discontent goes face unpaid wages and the need for many Russians to combine several odd jobs to survive. It also results in a multiplication of strikes and protest rallies [ 1 ]. Thus, repression aimed at discouraging any hint of resistance.
That did not stop the anti-capitalist and progressive organizations to organize a march in Moscow on May 1st. It brought together women's organizations, LGBT organizations in the anti-capitalist left, but anarchist and libertarian communist as Autonomous action. Participants expressed on this occasion their solidarity with political prisoners in Russia.

Solidarity groups Vladimir Buchenkov - - .
To support Dimitri Buchenkov in jail, you can also transfer money to the Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow, which plays an important role in solidarity with anarchists and anti-fascists in Russia:
Paypal of ABC-Moscow: [email protected]

Authored on
July 7, 2016