Issue 1 of Jackdaw, the free bulletin of the Anarchist Communist Group out now!

Submitted by Serge Forward on March 19, 2018

Jackdaw is the paper of the Anarchist Communist Group and is intended as a first point of contact to be handed out on the streets, in workplaces, left in social centres, community centres and shops or to be passed on to people new to anarchist communism. It aims to be mainly, agitational in tone, but with occasional longer, more in-depth articles.

Why Jackdaw? Looking for a name that was not the usual, we settled upon Jackdaw because of the characteristics often associated with this bird, characteristics which are an important part of a revolutionary anarchist movement for a new society: resilience and a fighting spirit, as well as being social and co-operative. ‘Jack’ means ‘rogue’ and ‘daw’ means ‘call.’ We are rogues in the current society and our paper aims to call for a working class revolution and the creation of an anarchist communist society.

To download a PDF of issue 1, go to the ACG website

R Totale

6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on March 19, 2018

No idea about the content yet, will try and give it a read when I get home, but that is a proper sick header - more @ papers with titles that look like they could be designed by Ronald Searle or Ralph Steadman please!


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on March 19, 2018

Like the design but you should be aware that this is the same title (less the word 'The') as a cheaply produced UK magazine of ''Independent views on the visual arts' which sometimes contains interesting if not always PC articles.

Serge Forward

6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on March 19, 2018

Yes R Totale, the header does have a fair bit of Ralph Steadman splatter! Maybe also Ronald Searle meets Ronald Scarfe?

Thanks for the Jackdaw tip-off, Mike. Oo-er... :o

Authored on
March 19, 2018