Kittens #5

Submitted by wineandcheese on October 18, 2016

The sixth issue of Kittens is now available at

Table of Contents

1. What is wrong with free money

2. ISDS — Courts of arbitration within the TTIP treaty

3. Since you mentioned “us” — Nationalism by example of Scottish independence

4. “That’s just how these people are” — Racist essentialism

5. Capital — Money 2.0

Print copies are available at

- Freedom Bookshop, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX
- Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, King's Cross, London N1 9DX
- 56a, 56 Crampton St, London SE17 3AE

We hope to add more places soon. We will also distribute copies at the Critisticuffs stall at the upcoming anarchist bookfair in London on Saturday, 29. October. We hope to stock the usual distributors soon, so you should be able to get copies from them soon-ish.

Please get in touch if you can help us to distribute Kittens, e.g. by dropping it off at local bookshops or libraries. We are happy to mail a parcel your way.

If you could distribute this announcement through your networks and lists that would also be much appreciated.

Authored on
October 18, 2016