London Anarchist Communists/Leicester Anarchist Communists

Submitted by Battlescarred on January 5, 2018

London Anarchist Communists, formerly members of the Anarchist Federation, meet regularly in London and plan a series of discussion meetings. If you'd like to contact us email is at [email protected]
We continue to be involved in the collective around the London anarchist paper Rebel City. We carried out a successful street distribution of Rebel City along with an AF member last Wednesday
Similarly Leicester Anarchist Communists, also formerly members of the Anarchist Federation are running discussion meetings. Their blog is at


6 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by rat on January 5, 2018

Good to hear this. More initiatives like this to follow.
And Rebel City is a great project. It's great for us in Surrey to be able to distribute it outside the commuter stations.


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on February 23, 2018

Is this document available (sorry of I missed its posting elsewhere):?
“Potential Activities Of A New Organisation”


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by rat on March 1, 2018

Hi syndicalist,
I don't think the text of the discussion document is available on the net. Maybe it will be in the future.

Authored on
January 5, 2018