London Anarchist Federation Reading Group, Freedom Bookshop, 20th November

Submitted by Swim-Two-Birds on October 23, 2018

This month we will be reading texts on anarcha-feminism ranging from some oldies with Goldman and de Cleyre to more modern texts with hooks, Lorde and Dirik. As part of the reading we’ve suggested a few questions which we’ll cover in the discussion:

What is the difference between anarcha-feminism, radical feminism and liberal feminism?

To what extent are the issues discussed by Goldman still relevant today?

How can anarchist practice be more feminist (should it be)?

Although we’ve picked quite a few texts this month, they’re short; we promise!

Look forward to seeing you all 7pm 20th November at Freedom Bookshop.

Introduction- what is anarcha-feminism?

Emma Goldman: Tragedy of Women’s emancipation

Emma Goldman: Marriage and Love:

Audre Lorde: The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house:

Voltairine de Cleyre: The economic relations of sex

bell hooks: Feminist class struggle:

Dilar Dirik: Women’s Internationalism against Global Patriarchy

Authored on
October 23, 2018