MDF Sheffield Mtg 8th OCT 2016

Submitted by Spikymike on September 9, 2016

Advance Notice: The next Midlands Discussion Forum Meeting will be in Sheffield on Saturday the 8th of October 2016 from 2-6 pm, upstairs at the Rutland Arms Pub, 86 Brown Street, S1 2BS (past the Showcase Cinema) just 5 minutes from the central Railway and Bus stations. Subject headline 'Brexit and the imperialist crisis' There will be a short introduction with plenty of time for discussion on this and related subjects. All welcome.

If you haven't been before the political tenor of those attending in the past have ranged mostly from the Anarchist and libertarian communist, Left and Council Communist, Autonomist and 'Impossibilist' (ie spgb) traditions along with other non-aligned individuals.


7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on September 22, 2016

Just to expand a bit on the headline title there is this:
''For more than 40 years the global imperialist system has been in an insoluble crisis. Throughout all the peaks and troughs the capitalists have tried to restore profitability at the expense of the working class. During these decades British capitalism has followed a strategy of integration into the European Union while maintaining their ''special relationship'' with the USA.
The Brexit decision means that the British, European and other imperialist powers will all seek to maximise their opportunities to maintain their exploitative positions. Recent months have seen a renewed round of attacks on the working class in Britain - assaults and even murder against ''non-British'' workers, massive cuts in accessible health care, insecure wage slavery where even employed workers are increasingly reliant on the dwindling welfare benefits and Food Banks. The meeting will provide a forum to explore that reality and how it flows from the crisis of the bosses' rotten system.''


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on October 3, 2016

Next Saturday now - all welcome.

Authored on
September 9, 2016