Morgantown Ultra Left Network - Announcing new group

Submitted by assemblageofdenim on April 14, 2016

Hey all! If anyone is in the appalachian region, local radicals have recently formed the Morgantown Ultra Left Network. This group has emerged after a split in a "big tent" left group we were a part of. The majority felt dissatisfied with the direction so we decided it was time to form a group based on libertarian socialist principles. If you are in the region, let me know if you would like to be involved. Going forward, we will be working on anti-gentrification work, guerrilla movie showings and events, and a tenants union.

Points of Unity
1. A Commitment to Anti-Capitalism
2. A Commitment to Socialisms outside of the Democratic Centralist doctrine
3. A Commitment to building Socialist Space
4. A Commitment to Respecting Autonomy of Every Member within the Agreed upon Common
Platform and Respecting the Right to Work in other Organizations
5. A Commitment to Having No Positions of Authority
6. A Commitment to Fun and Not Being Too Serious
7. A Commitment to have Solidarity with People and Movements, not Governments
8. A Commitment to Anti-Oppression, the Right to Self-Determine, and De-Colonization

First communique:

Authored on
April 14, 2016