New ACG pamphlets

Submitted by Battlescarred on June 4, 2020

New Pamphlets From the Anarchist Communist Group

Food, Health and Capitalism: Covid-19 and Beyond

This pamphlet goes to the roots of the current pandemic, locating the causes in capitalism, including land use, the way we organise food production, and what we eat. It starts by looking at zoonotic diseases – those that have moved from animals to humans – and discusses how capitalism created the environments for lethal human-animal interactions. It moves on to discuss industrial agriculture, its use of antibiotics, pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, and its impact on health. The pamphlet then continues with a look at food consumption and the role of capitalism in facilitating not just zoonotic diseases but also non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Unhealthy diets are discussed in the context of food insecurity, domination by global food corporations and class inequality.
Price: £3.50, including postage, for this 44 page pamphlet.
Order your copy via [email protected]
For more ACG publications, visit our publications page.

Anarchism and Violence
Anarchism and Violence, published May 2020 is a pamphlet from the Surrey group of the Anarchist Communist Group.

The pamphlet contains extracts from Malatesta’s “Life and Ideas”. The issues covered are as relevant today as they were when it was first published 25 years ago by the London group of the Anarchist Communist Federation.
In the booklet, Malatesta discusses the question of violence and why adequate means are required to resist force.
Price: £1.50, including postage, for this 16 page pamphlet.
Order your copy via [email protected]

ACG Crowdfunder Page

There is a lot of excellent anarchist material online but we are concerned this does not reach a wide enough audience. We also need hard copy material to reach those who may not consider looking at anarchist websites like our own. During the coronavirus pandemic we have produced several pamphlets and stickers with messages such as ‘No Return to Austerity and Cuts’, ‘No Return to Profit before Need’, and ‘Make the Rich Pay’. We are also working on other material which will be either free or sold at low prices to campaign for fundamental changes in how we organise things like food production, work and health.
Our aim is to publish pamphlets, a free newspaper, a magazine, and stickers to promote radical social change during and after the pandemic.

Authored on
June 4, 2020