New Jackdaw is out!

Submitted by Battlescarred on June 21, 2021

We’re pleased to say that issue 8 of the ACG’s free agitational bulletin, Jackdaw, will be out on the streets and in stockists very soon!

This issue contains:

It’s open class war – with attacks on multiple fronts
Kill the bill
Resist fire and rehire
No safety? No work!
Scotland stand-off
You can grab a copy from ACG street distributions or catch us on demos. Alternatively, it can be found in various stockists.

But if you can’t wait for the print version, then you can download issue 8 (and earlier issues) from the Jackdaw page.

Lucky Black Cat

3 years 2 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on June 26, 2021

Good issue. The Crimes, Sentencing and Courts Bill is terrifying. And the fire and rehire practice that's been going on is infuriating. I'm sorry to hear that so far resistance has been spotty and mostly unsuccessful.

Just one criticism, though:

The most notable example is the sacking and rehiring of British Gas workers. In spite of the best efforts of the GMB Union, British Gas has carried out this process, leaving many of its workers doing more for less.

Regarding the part in bold, I realize you say this because you want to acknowledge and show respect for the fight put up by the union, and I agree that you should do this. However, was it really their "best efforts"? Did they really take the most effective actions they could have possibly taken in this situation?

If so then fair enough, but if not, then saying it was their best efforts is implicitly demoralizing. It suggests that even when workers unionize and take the most effective action possible, we still lose.

Other than that, good article and issue overall, and I gave it a like and retweet on twitter to help spread its reach.