NYC Anarchist Bookfair Fundraiser Party, April 28, 2017

Submitted by mistercaz on April 22, 2017

NYC Anarchist Book Fair Fundraiser
Friday, Apr. 28 2017at 8:00 to 1:00 AM [correct end time -t.]
[b]Mayday Space, 176 St Nicholas Ave,
176 St Nicholas Ave, Brooklyn NY[ U.S.A./b]
link to FB events page
Public ยท Hosted by Sky Cohen and Kalan Sherrard
The NYC Anarchist Book Fair Collective would like to invite you to a evening full of dynamic left programming. Freaturing live music, dance, art, tablers, zinesters, political updates, drinks, food and more.
We will be starting off the weekend before May 1st with a dance party. So, come out and join us and get plugged into programming happening the rest of weekend and to make connections to not go to Mayday alone!
Music featuring:
Pinc Louds (NY - Folk Rock):

Mankind (Harlem- Hiphop):

Enormousface (NY - Noise/Anti-Art Puppet Show)

...More music TBA soon...
All ages. Suggested donation 5$-10$. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

We also will be hosting a radical Silent Auction. We've received quite a number of fantastic donations from our ABF vendors and want to make them cheeply available.

The NYC Anarchist Book Fair is an all volunteer collective and 100% of the proceeds from the evening will go towards keeping the NYC ABF free and acceble even in the face of increasing rent costs.


Authored on
April 22, 2017