Rebel City Collective meeting: Anarchism and Class: Is The Concept of Class Still Relevant?

Submitted by Battlescarred on June 13, 2018

The division of society into two main classes, the ruling class and the working class, has always been fundamental to an anarchist analysis of capitalism. However, this basic division is now considered to be too simplistic and many now argue that there are other divisions in society that are more relevant.

This discussion will consider what class struggle anarchists mean by class and why we think it is still a fundamental concept in understanding how society works and for building a movement for a revolution. It will also consider how the concept needs to be up-dated to fit with global capitalism today and not be used to mask other crucial societal divisions such as gender and race.
Organised by Rebel City Collective with contributions from Angry Workers
Thursday 14th June at 7pm, May Day Rooms, 88 Fleet Street London EC4 1DN
Tickets from

Authored on
June 13, 2018