SPGB - New Book on Russian Revolution

Submitted by ajjohnstone on October 23, 2017

A book to mark the centenary of the Bolshevik coup will shortly be available from Head Office. 230 pages and 42 articles - reprints from the Socialist Standard over the past 100 years. Cover price - £5.00 Postage & packing - £3.00


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on October 31, 2017

I have a 1967 SPGB pamphlet on the Russian Revolution. Assuming this us just press articles, not that pamphlet as well?

Edit: "Russia 1917-1967 A Socialist Analysis"


6 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on October 23, 2017

I have no idea about the contents. Hopefully, it is lesser known articles that have yet to appear online or has been more recently reprinted. Like yourself, i just have to wait and see.


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on October 31, 2017


Introduction 9

Part I : *The February Revolution: A Bourgeois Revolution 15*
1. The Russian Upheaval
(Socialist Standard, December 1905) 17
2. The Russian Revolution
(Socialist Standard, April 1917) 22
3. The Russian Situation
(Socialist Standard, June 1917) 23
4. Russia and Ourselves
(Socialist Standard, July 1917) 26

Part II : *The October Revolution: The Bolshevik Coup 31*
5. The Russian Situation
(Socialist Standard, January 1918) 33
6. The Revolution in Russia: Where it Fails
(Socialist Standard, August 1918) 35
7. Parliament or Soviet? A Critical Examination
(Socialist Standard, April 1920) 45
8. The Russian Dictatorship
(Socialist Standard, July 1920) 49
9. A Socialist View of Bolshevist Policy
(Socialist Standard, July 1920) 58

10. The Super-Opportunists: A Criticism of Bolshevist Policy
(Socialist Standard, August 1920) 64
11. Editorial: Famine in Russia
(Socialist Standard, October 1921) 68
12. The Collapse of Capitalism
(Socialist Standard, February 1921) 71
13. The Passing of Lenin
(Socialise Standard, March 1924) 75
14. Socialism and 'The Third International'
(Socialist Standard, March 1925) 86

Part III: *Bolshevik Russia: The Class Struggle Continues 91*
15. The Class Struggle in Soviet Russia
(Socialist Standard, December 1927) 93
16. Should the Workers Fight for Russia?
(Socialist Standard, April 1928) 99
17. Russia: Land of High Profits
(Socialist Standard, September 1930) 106
18. What Stalin Forgot To Mention
(Socialist Standard, May 1933) 112
19. Changing Russia
(Socialist Standard, September 1934) 114
20. What is Wrong with Russia? The Mystery of the Trials
(Socialist Standard, March 1937) 118
21. Life in Soviet Russia
(Socialist Standard, June 1937) 124
22. Some aspects of Russia
(SocialistStandard, December 1937) 128
23. Inequality in Russia
(Socialist Standard, January 1943) 132
Part IV: *State Capitalism: The Nightmare Continues 137*
24. The Struggle for Power in Russia
(Socialist Standard, February 1953) 139
25. From Lenin to Stalin
(Socialist Standard, April 1953) 142
26. Cracks in the Russian Dictatorship
(Socialist Standard, May 1953) 148
27. The Russian Revolution - Its Impact on the Socialist Movement
(SocialistStandard, September 1954) 152
28. Stalin the God and Stalin the Gangster
(Socialist Standard, April 1956) 157
29. Stalin - the God Who Fell
(Socialist Standard, December 1961) 160
30. Russia Puts the Clock Back
(Socialist Standard, June 1962) 162
31. Russian State Capitalism: Tony Cliff, Russia: A Marxist
Analysis, (International Socialism)
(Socialis Standard, September 1964) 152
32. Lenin: Just a Russian Revolutionary
(Socialist Standard, April 1970) 171
33. State Capitalism for Russia
(Socialist Standard, April 1970) 174
34. Russia: Leftists in Dispute
(Socialist Standard, January 1976) 176
35. Russia's Tolpuddle Martyrs
(Socialist Standard, May 1978) 179
36. The Working Class in Russia
(Socialist Stan dard, June 1979) 182
37- What's the Russian for "Blackleg"?
(Socialist Standard, November 1985) 186

Part V: * Back to the Future? The Collapse of the Soviet Union
38. Where is Russia Going?
(Socialist Standard, September 1988) 193
39. Gorbachev and the End of Communism
(Socialist Standard, October 1988) 203
40. Socialism Has Not Failed
(Socialist Standard, January 1990) 209
41. From Cold War to Class War
(Socialist Standard, February 1990) 214
42. Marxism Versus Leninism
(Socialist Standard, March 1990) 219

Authored on
October 23, 2017